Garrett GTX5518R w/ Tial Exhaust Housing

  • Sale
  • Regular price $2,999.99


- Race class designed GTX5518R, including .69 A/R Compressor Housing
- Special 56 Trim, 87.8 mm inducer and 117.6 mm exducer with NO TURBINE HOUSING
- This turbo is built for class requirements that are limited to a 88mm compressor wheel
- Turbine side of this turbo will mate to any GT55 series turbine housing
- Same compressor housing style as GT55
- Externally interchangeable with an existing GT55 turbo setup

** Turbine Housing sold separately **

NOTE: Available in .81 A/R compressor housing (Product Code: GRT-TBO-400)

* Compressor Wheel Inducer: 87.8mm
* Compressor Wheel Exducer: 117.6mm
* Compressor Wheel Trim: 56

* Compressor Housing .69 A/R
* Turbine Wheel Inducer: 111.5mm
* Turbine Wheel Exducer: 102.2mm
* Turbine Wheel Trim: 84

Turbine House 

TIAL sport stainless steal housing. 

Lightweight stainless steel turbine housing for the GT/X 55 series turbochargers, compatible with the 111.5mm 84 trim turbine wheel





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